What to Look For: Finding a Roofing Company in Vancouver

Few people need to be reminded of the importance of their commercial or residential rooftop. From the very first day that construction begins on a new project, one of the main areas of concern is the proper installation and maintenance of the roof. Without it, even the sturdiest four walls in the world could not form a shelter.

If you are looking for a roofing company in Vancouver, there are a few factors which need to be considered. From reputation to experience and professionalism, it is important to trust the well being of your property to only those who have the qualifications necessary to do the job right.

One of the most important things you can look for is a longstanding reputation in the local area. Because weather patterns and climate trends can be greatly varied in our country, it is important to work with a team of professionals who both understand and have experienced the local weather. Look for a company with an established track record in your local area, and be sure to check references before signing on to allow work to begin.

It is also important to ensure that all national, provincial, and local working standards have been completely met. It may seem like an annoying task, but the truth is that too many contractors in this world are willing to cut corners in order to save a few dollars. Being certain of the current standards is one of the best ways to ensure that work is being done correctly the first time around, and can save more than a few headaches down the line.

Cost is an important factor in considering which roofing company best suits your needs, but it is also important to know that the job is being done correctly. After all, it is far more economical to do it right the first time than it is to go back and fix mistakes later.

Even For a Seasoned Roofing Company, Vancouver is a Challenge

As the warmer weather of spring begins to peek its head around the corner of yet another drawn out winter season, more and more folks are beginning to think about the seasonal responsibilities that come along with being a homeowner in a climate such as ours…and one of the first tasks on that list is often finding a reputable local roofing company. Vancouver citizens of course, face the extra weight of knowing that making the wrong decision has the potential to lead to tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars in property damage due to the heavy annual rainfall of the Northwest.

Unfortunately for these homeowners, the warning signs of water damage are often not even visible until the damage has accumulated to the point of requiring major repair. Particularly in a wet climate, where accumulated water does not often have the chance to evaporate before the next round of rainfall, water can compromise a building’s structural integrity quite quickly. According to one reputable roofing company, Vancouver residents are among the most likely in the country to experience this type of scenario.

The good news is that there is a way to prevent this type of nightmare situation, and the cost is actually quite minimal. The secret lies in the most basic of preventative measures–a simple professional inspection performed on a regular basis by a licensed roofing company. Vancouver, despite its climate, does not actually require any more routine maintenance than most other large cities. The real difference is the consequences that accumulate when the damage is left to fester. Simply put, for the same maintenance budget as nearly every other building in North America, residents of the West Coast simply get more bang for their buck concerning roof maintenance costs.

Inspections should be performed twice annually, in the spring and fall of each year. The arrival of both warmer and colder weather can play a critical role in exposing your home or business to the elements. Of course, in the event of any ceiling discolorations or unexplained moisture in the top levels of the building, immediate inspection and maintenance is always advised. The real secret to limiting the destructive effects of water damage is to catch it as early as possible and to address the issue thoroughly enough so that no further damage has the opportunity to accumulate.

Vancouver is one of the most beautiful places in Canada to call home, but with that beauty comes a unique set of challenges in home and business maintenance. The only secret to striking that perfect balance between the two is diligent and thoughtful planning, including regular roof maintenance.

Source: Flickr's Jesper Hauge

Source: Flickr’s Jesper Hauge

For a Roofing Company, Vancouver Presents Challenges

If you happen to be the proprietor of a roofing company, Vancouver is one of those places that can represent a real challenge. Weather patterns colliding from all corners of the world mean that Vancouver is home to one of the world’s least predictable climates. From torrential rains to freezing temperatures, moisture in British Columbia’s largest city has all of the necessary factors in place to do some serious damage.

So what are the keys to staying one step ahead of the damage? As with most things in life, the secret lies in proper preparation. According to one roofing company, Vancouver has some of the greatest total rainfall of any major North American city on an annual basis. This means that if a home or business owner waits until a problem has been detected, there is a very good chance that significant damage will occur before the problem can be fixed. In that sense, staying one step ahead of the wear and tear is the single most important factor to proper roof maintenance.

Most experts recommend twice yearly maintenance and inspection of all roof tops, whether they are commercial or residential. Standard knowledge says that the best time to perform these checks is in the spring and the fall, immediately before and after the devastating effects of winter  have taken their toll. Because rainfall is heaviest in the spring, it is best to schedule an appointment with a reputable company sometime in the late winter. This will allow you the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you will be protected regardless of what the spring weather patterns might have in store for you.

Of course, the second key is to ensure that you are bringing in a tried and trusted roofing company. Vancouver, being home to such notoriously wet weather, has many options from which to choose, but the truth is that experience is the only true determinant of ability when it comes to roofing, which is why calling a team of experts such as Design Roofing is usually the safest bet. Be sure to look for a company with years of local experience and a solid reputation. Remember that there are many places to cut corners and save a few bucks, but your roof top is not one of them.

Source: Flickr's timtak

Source: Flickr’s timtak