Scheduling a Roof Replacement
February 14, 2018 Laura MacCormac
Don’t wait to schedule a roof replacement. Demand is high, timing is important and residents appreciate advanced notice.
Increasing Demand
- New construction in the lower mainland is strong and our crews are being kept busy building new roofs.
- Buildings constructed in the 90’s are scheduling their roof replaced now (if they haven’t already).
- Demand increases in the Fall due to a pre-winter panic that plagues indecisive stratas.
Summer Month are Ideal
In this neck of the woods, we make every sunny day count. The best time to get a replacement done is when days are long and relatively dry.
- More hours of sunlight means more productive hours.
- Avoiding rain days reduces schedule changes.
- Suppliers are stocked and ready with supplies and materials.
Less Complaints
Giving residents as much notice as possible reduces stress and complaints.
- Residents can avoid planning activities that would be inconvenient, like having guests stay, planning a staycation, home renovations, etc.
- Residents may plan to be away during that time.