May 27, 2013 Laura MacCormac
From refrigerators to televisions, there are very few items in our modern lives which do not require regular maintenance and repairs from time to time, but when it comes to the roof over your head, taking the time to call in a reputable roofing company can mean much more than whether or not you get to watch your favourite program this evening. From worldly possessions to sleeping families, your roof quite literally shelters you from life’s storms.
Unfortunately, the average person tends to take an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ approach to roof maintenance. Because small incidents often go unnoticed, and because much of the accumulated damage is unable to be seen without proper inspection, many people wait until it is far too late before calling in a local roofing company to help turn the tide of water damage.
According industry experts, the average structure should be inspected and have regular maintenance performed at least twice yearly. This work would ideally be done in the early spring or late fall, in order ensure that the damaging effects of winter have the least amount of time possible to accumulate. Winter storms often bring down tree branches, cause wildlife to seek refuge indoors, and bring heavy amounts of water, ice, and snow onto roof tops.
By bringing in a team of experts to remove this debris, check for animal damage, and clear out winter’s ice before it has a chance to permeate the building’s exterior, it is possible to save thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars of accumulated damage. Of course, a well trained eye can also spot the small, hairline permeations in the building’s roof top before they have a chance to accumulate water. In the event that this water freezes before being found out, the damage can often be irreversible, causing structural damage, or even interior mold.
The simple fact of the matter is that your roof houses some of the most important things in the world, and that only a well-trained, heavily experienced roofing company can provide the peace of mind that comes with knowing your roof has been inspected, repaired, and sealed to the utmost in industry standards. There are a lot places where cutting some corners in order to save a few dollars can be a wise decision, but when it comes to the roof over your head, it is always better to be safe than to be sorry.
Source: Flickr’s aaron13251