Things Found Growing in Gutters

We have found many things growing in gutters.

Gutters are Important

They drain water off the roof and funnel it out of the way so it’s not pouring on your tenants when they enter and exit the building when it’s raining. To keep them working, they have to be kept clear of debris and leaves. Even with gutter guards the debris will build up and slow things down.
When gutters aren’t cleaned out regularly we find all kinds of things growing in them.
Leaves don’t take long to build up and clog drain holes.

Leaves can clog the gutter

If left to decompose, all kinds of things can grow in the gutters.

Here are some thing found growing in gutters:

Plants can grow in the gutter

Plants can make gutters look more like planters than gutters.

Plants can grow in the gutter

We’ve seen all kinds of things growing in gutters.

Grass can grow in the gutter

Here’s my personal nightmare: realizing there’s a wasp nest in your gutter.  It happens right here in the lower mainland.

We found a wasp nest in the gutter

Can you believe this went unnoticed?

A tree growing from the gutter corner

Gutters are the forgotten child sometimes.  If left too long you could also end up in this situation.

hoes rusted out in the gutter

We can install gutter guards.  For unique shapes and sizes we can make custom gutters and gutter inserts in our sheet metal shop.

Gutter guard



We make custom gutter guards

Even with gutter guards it’s important to have them checked every couple years.

So our advice is to be sure those gutters are all being cleaned regularly.

Always consider liabilities when you’re getting gutters serviced.




How safe are the workers?

  1. Are they trained in fall protection?
  2. Do they have ladder safety training?
  3. Do they need to use a harness?
  4. Are they aware of power lines and other potential hazards?
  5. Are they trained to deal with dead rodents and birds, sharp objects, insect infestations, all kinds of nests including wasp nests?

Not every company will practice such protocols.  We recommend you check on this and avoid having accidents happen on your property.



Birds on the Roof

How can such a light creature cause so much damage?

They’re so cute when they’re chicks.

baby seagull

So it can be surprising to find out exactly how much damage birds on the roof can really cause.

It’s all about strength in numbers with birds.


Birds are loud and when they’re on a roof they sound ten times louder.  Their presence will annoy tenants, customers and employees in any building.  Having to walk under a line of birds on the roof to get into a building can be risky.  And if there are bird droppings around the building you could be setting yourself up for a lawsuit if anyone slips.

Did you know that birds damage roofs with their droppings?  Droppings are acidic and if left on a roof for too long, accumulating over time, they will eat away at the membrane of the roof causing leaks.  Waste can damage the toughest materials like steel and iron.  The life of a roof is cut in half when droppings accumulate.


A bird in the building is problem enough.  What happens if the roof hasn’t been maintained and there are openings in it? It’s only a matter of time before the pigeons or sparrows make the attic a home and eventually collapse the entire ceiling.  This happens to warehouses and restaurants too, not just residential buildings and houses.

Nests are a nuisance.  They cause fires, flooding and carbon monoxide poisoning.  When they nest in gutters create a dam, letting water pool, leading to leaks and damage. Nests are highly flammable and if they’re situated near electrical wires or machinery they can cause easily spread a fire. Vents and chimneys can be blocked by nests leading to carbon monoxide build up.

There’s only one answer to prevent all this; Bird-proof your roofs.  Have a reputable roofing contractor take a look and put the right tools in place such as:

Bird Spikes 2

  • Bird Spikes
  • Audio recordings of hawks attacking birds
  • Anti-Bird Flashing
  • Bird Netting
  • Protective Membrane Installation (to strengthen areas damaged by birds)
  • Bird Shock Electric Track
  • Bird Spiders


Safety is NOT an Option: Roofing is Not a DIY Job


There are no excuses. Safety is paramount when it comes to doing any work.

When that work finds you several stories up at the edge of a building; that is not a time to try and do it yourself. “From 2004 through 2013, falls from a height in BC accounted for 92 worker deaths and 22,610 serious injuries; Carpenters, roofers, and labourers have the highest likelihood of falling at residential construction worksites, with falls from ladders and from roof/scaffolding being the most common” (

Many multi-unit residential* buildings tend to have on site caretakers that help keep the building and grounds tidy. While they are great for little repairs here and there, when it comes to performing repairs and work on such an important part of your building like the roof, it is always best to have a qualified trained professional performing the work. Not only is it a huge safety concern and liability to have someone perform work on your roof without proper equipment and safety gear, they can also cause damage to the roof. Repairs such as these will cost more than the potential money savings you got by doing it yourself. If that person happens to injure themselves while performing the work or even worse, the headaches and problems multiply exponentially.

The importance of hiring a trained roofing professional from a trusted and fully insured company cannot be stressed enough. Without the proper training in roof repairs, fall protection and safety protocol, the chances of a preventable injury increase. Always think before you start any work, if it is something you are not trained in, it is probably not something you should be trying to do on your own to save some money. Your life and safety should always come as a priority. Leaving the roofing work to professionals will save you a lot more than just money especially if a preventable injury happens.

Summer Weather Means Industrial Roofing Season is Here

As the wet spring weather turns to blistering summer heat, more and more businesses are beginning to think about their industrial roofing needs. The ice and sleet of another Canadian winter has come and gone, and many of our commercial structures have come out of the four month freeze with just a little bit more wear and tear than they started the winter with.

So of course, the phones are beginning to ring off the hook at reputable roofing specialists’ across this great nation. From the balmy inland heat of Ontario to the humidity kissed West Coast, companies such as Design Roofing are beginning to see the wave of summer roofing needs reach its crest once again.

Particularly for those in need of industrial roofing work, the window for some of these repairs can actually be quite small. As any Canadian can tell you, the summer months simply never seem to last as long as they should, and the reality of doing good work on commercial rooftops is that it is always worth taking the time to do the job properly. When it comes to the roof over your head, one can never be too careful.

Most experts recommend scheduling summer work as early as possible, which means that for those hoping to take on those lingering industrial roofing projects, the time to call and set up an appointment with a reputable roofing specialist is now. Often times, roofers find that what appears to be a small permeation is actually allowing a good deal of moisture to penetrate the building. In the summertime, this damage can be minimalized quite easily, but once winter sets in, the freezing and expanding of this water can very quickly lead to an emergency situation.

Take it from those who know, if you’re waiting for the perfect moment to call in an expert to examine that industrial rooftop, the moment is here.

industrial roofing

Image courtesy of Flickr’s Scallop Holden


Regional Challenges in Roof Maintenance: Vancouver and Surrounding Area

When it comes to the upkeep and proper care of property, whether commercial or industrial, one of the most often overlooked areas is roof maintenance. Vancouver, and most of British Columbia for that matter, have some of the highest annual rainfall totals in all of North America, which means that for residents of this particular stretch of Pacific coastline, the stakes are simply higher when it comes to potential damage resulting from faulty rooftops.

When considering the main risk factors for damage resulting from improper roof maintenance, Vancouver and its surrounding areas consistently appear near the top of the list. Whether it is the mountainous terrain that surrounds the area, causing moist weather fronts to linger, or the unpredictable climate (which ranges from sub-zero to near tropical), there is simply more precipitation and moisture in Vancouver than most cities are forced to deal with. Of course, other factors such as the nesting of birds and animals also contribute greatly to the downfall of many roofs, and the Pacific Canadian coastline is well known for its abundance of wildlife. Simply put, the West coast is a just plain difficult place to ensure proper roof maintenance.

Vancouver may be a difficult place to maintain a rooftop, but these unique conditions have also led to the development of some of the most reputable roofing experts in the business. Some companies, like Port Coquitlam’s Design Roofing, have been managing the West coast weather for the better part of three decades and have developed a simple, biannual maintenance plan that works for nearly every type of property.

The key is thorough upkeep and expert inspection twice each year, preferably in the early spring and late fall, when accumulated damage from winter and summer respectively, are at their peak. By nipping any small problems in the bud, costly repairs and even total replacements can be easily avoided. Looking for the earliest signs of lifting and bubbling beneath the roof’s membrane takes a well-trained eye, but that combined with thorough removal of debris, such as moss and animal’s nests, can easily save hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages and lost property.

As with most things, the key to managing Vancouver’s susceptible climate is proper attention to detail and the willingness to perform preventative maintenance. And when it comes to keeping the roof over your head, minor proactive spending will decrease reactive spending on emergency repairs and extend the service life of your roof.

Source: Flickr's Andrew Ressa

Source: Flickr’s Andrew Ressa

For a Roofing Company, Vancouver Presents Challenges

If you happen to be the proprietor of a roofing company, Vancouver is one of those places that can represent a real challenge. Weather patterns colliding from all corners of the world mean that Vancouver is home to one of the world’s least predictable climates. From torrential rains to freezing temperatures, moisture in British Columbia’s largest city has all of the necessary factors in place to do some serious damage.

So what are the keys to staying one step ahead of the damage? As with most things in life, the secret lies in proper preparation. According to one roofing company, Vancouver has some of the greatest total rainfall of any major North American city on an annual basis. This means that if a home or business owner waits until a problem has been detected, there is a very good chance that significant damage will occur before the problem can be fixed. In that sense, staying one step ahead of the wear and tear is the single most important factor to proper roof maintenance.

Most experts recommend twice yearly maintenance and inspection of all roof tops, whether they are commercial or residential. Standard knowledge says that the best time to perform these checks is in the spring and the fall, immediately before and after the devastating effects of winter  have taken their toll. Because rainfall is heaviest in the spring, it is best to schedule an appointment with a reputable company sometime in the late winter. This will allow you the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you will be protected regardless of what the spring weather patterns might have in store for you.

Of course, the second key is to ensure that you are bringing in a tried and trusted roofing company. Vancouver, being home to such notoriously wet weather, has many options from which to choose, but the truth is that experience is the only true determinant of ability when it comes to roofing, which is why calling a team of experts such as Design Roofing is usually the safest bet. Be sure to look for a company with years of local experience and a solid reputation. Remember that there are many places to cut corners and save a few bucks, but your roof top is not one of them.

Source: Flickr's timtak

Source: Flickr’s timtak

The Time is Now: The Testimonial According to Roofing Companies in Vancouver

According to most roofing companies in Vancouver, building owners must make the time to schedule regular roof maintenance. The beginning of fall is the best time to call in a team of experts, regardless of whether you have residential or industrial roofing needs. Before winter hits, it is a good idea to make sure that small roof problems do not have the chance to grow into a large-scale disasters.

Normally, roof maintenance is recommended biannually, with one inspection in the spring, and another in the fall. This is particularly true for industrial roofing, as those roofs often cover a very large area. Industrial roof check-ups can be critical, often saving tens of thousands of dollars in avoidable damages.

credit to psilver at

Small factors like hairline tears and even small animal nests, which are often unseen by the naked eye, can accumulate damage quickly, leading to structural damage, loss of stock, and may even result in the closing of a business (temporary or otherwise). The worst part of these roof disasters is that nearly all of them can be avoided, according to the great majority of roofing companies.

In Vancouver, simply knowing that the climate is prone to massive amounts of rainfall should be enough to spur business owners to action. What could be more important than protecting your investment?

The cost of regularly scheduled roof maintenance is literally a fraction of the average repair bill…and literally a single digit percentage point of a total roof replacement. When an entire business relies upon what is contained beneath a roof, performing the upkeep on industrial roofing must simply be part of the annual budget. Remember, roof maintenance is the key to prevention.

Rainy Climates and the Importance of Industrial Roof Maintenance

For many businesses, performing regular roof maintenance is little more than an afterthought. Unfortunately, this mentality has led to millions, if not billions, of lost dollars. In the business of industrial roofing, people tend to underestimate the amount of damage that can result from a few days of untreated exposure.

Roofing companies across the west coast of Canada (Vancouver, specifically) have consistently reported that the businesses within their jurisdiction have it the worst. Due to the rainy climate, evaporation rarely occurs during certain seasons, leaving industrial roofing to rust, rot – in some cases, roofs have even been known to collapse.

Regular roof maintenance, performed twice yearly, can easily prevent many of these issues before they have the chance to grow to into monumental problems. By thoroughly checking for breaks in the seals, animal nesting, loose tiles, and a host of other problems, roofing companies in Vancouver and across the west coast can save thousands of dollars in roof repair.

credit to ruiperezcuevas-arquitectos at

Industrial roofing often protects the lifeblood of a business. From mountains of stock and critical records to expensive machinery (and even retail floor space), properly executed roof maintenance protects the very essence of what makes a business successful.

When hiring a roofing company in Vancouver, it is always a good idea to check for a long history of satisfied clients, full regulatory certification, and an established, licensed team of professionals. A company such as the highly recognizable and exceptionally well-trusted Design Roofing is an ideal place to begin your research.

Roof Maintenance is Key to Saving in the Long Run

Most often, the only thing standing between the destructive force of nature and mankind is the roof over our heads. How is it, then, that so many business owners ignore roof maintenance until it is far too late?

According to several flat roofers, roof maintenance is one of the most overlooked factors in building maintenance, particularly in the field of industrial roofing. It is not uncommon for business owners to go years without performing the proper upkeep and maintenance.

Often, the success of a business greatly depends on the nature of the tools being used. Seeing as how the majority of businesspeople depend on everything from mountains of stock and tools to invaluable financial records and electronics, it seems strange that they would overlook something as important as the roof that houses all of this much needed equipment.

credit to billy_liar at

In actuality, an industrial roof should be inspected and maintained twice yearly. This should be done once in the spring, and then again in the autumn of each year. This helps to ensure that damage does not have a chance to accumulate – this would, of course, lead to greater damages. Inevitably, negligence would lead to a much larger repair bill.

While roof maintenance may seem like an unnecessary expense, remember that it literally takes nothing more than the occurrence of a single incident to spend tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars for the cost of repair. For the price of a few hours service, performing proper routine roof maintenance could easily pay for itself a hundred times over.

Generally, flat roofers are shocked at how many people make the conscious decision to risk financial ruin in the name of saving a few dollars a year. When the whole purpose of a business is to save money, it simply doesn’t make financial sense for you to pinch pennies on roof inspection – especially when a major roof repair could empty out your wallet.

Ventilation is Key to Avoiding Emergency Roof Repair

Hot summer weather means that commercial roofing contractors across the country are gearing up for another busy season. For obvious reasons, the majority of roof services are performed during the warmer season, since accessibility makes for a much easier workload.

What many people do not realize, however, is that the extremes of hot and cold faced by many Canadian businesses can also cause a unique set of challenges when it comes to commercial roofing. Because of the wide range of temperatures faced by buildings in Canada, condensation is of particular importance when looking to avoid premature damage and accumulation of water.

Often times, the problem goes completely unnoticed until it is too late and emergency roof repairs are needed. What many business owners report as a leaking roof often turns out to be a simple case of too much condensation gathering within the roof, and then subsequently dripping down into the place of business and potentially destroying stock.

credit to noraxx at

Luckily, there are preventative measures that business owners can take. By investing in basic roof services that include the application of proper ventilation, they can save themselves both money and stress. A reputable commercial roofing company, like Design Roofing, is able to provide these roof services at a fraction of the cost compared to the expense of last-minute emergency roof repairs.

By simply adjusting the number of vents, the majority of future emergency roof repairs can be easily avoided. By providing an outlet for water as it evaporates, proper ventilation allows water vapour to escape back into the atmosphere, rather than pooling within the roof structure before plummeting back down towards valuable stock and merchandise.

In addition to providing additional vents, most commercial roofing companies will also take the opportunity to adjust and fix any soffiting issues (these can also lead to the accumulation of water in inopportune locations).

By providing basic roof services and maintenance, companies like Vancouver’s Design Roofing are able to solve ventilation issues long before they accumulate. With so much riding on a business’s physical condition, not taking the proper steps to avoid damage can quickly lead to disaster. Preventative maintenance is key to ensuring the safety and integrity of any commercial rooftop, particularly in the heat of summer and cold of winter. Ventilation, to avoid condensation, can make all the difference between small maintenance costs and picking up the bill for a completely brand new roof.